Cancellation Policy

Please do not cancel or cancel/reschedule your appointment
until you have read and understood
this cancellation policy.

The time for your appointment has been set aside just for you.  This time is your time. Your time for healing.  Your time for health.

You make the most progress in health improvement when you regularly follow-up.

We hope that you will take your appointment seriously.  That your appointment is your priority. That your health is your priority. That you schedule other commitments around your appointment. 

But, if you absolutely must cancel or cancel/reschedule your appointment due to a significant life crisis, we want to be as understanding and as accommodating as possible. (Please note that we can still have a highly successful and productive appointment even if your labs are not back or if you have not been following your treatment plan.)

However, our schedule is really full, and most patients do not cancel their appointments, and other patients simply do not want to move up their follow-up appointment to accommodate your missed appointment. Thus, no one can take your place if you miss your appointment.

And we usually do not have openings available soon if you cancel now which means that you may have to wait months to be seen again and that your next appointment will need to be longer than usual to accommodate this extended duration. 

Furthermore, we cannot offer between-appointment services without regular scheduled appointments.

Therefore, we highly recommend that you keep your appointment as already scheduled.

If you still want to cancel your follow-up appointment, we would appreciate the COURTESY and RESPECT of letting us know as soon as you know.  (In our experience, most folks usually know several weeks or months beforehand but only notify us right before their appointment.) 

When we receive your appointment paperwork and appointment payment and your availability, then we will offer you another appointment as available. 

An administrative fee may be necessary if numerous emails go back and forth regarding the cancellation or the rescheduling.

The above policy may apply for each future appointment and/or we may not schedule future appointments in certain conditions, such as if you cancel appointments often or close to your appointment (shorter than several weeks beforehand with no attempt to reschedule as soon as possible) or similar.

If you simply do not show up for your appointment without any notification, then you may not be scheduled back at all.

We want to help you get well, but we can only do so if you prioritize your health and if you keep your scheduled appointments.  We care about your health. And we want to see you healing along the healthy path.  We hope that you care even more about your own health and that you keep your scheduled appointments.

We hope to see you
at your reserved appointment!

Let food

be thy medicine, 

and medicine 

be thy food.  




Your word

is a lamp

to my feet

and a light

to my path.

~Psalm 119:105



The secret of health

for both mind and body

is not to mourn for the past,

worry about the future,

or anticipate troubles,

but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly.

~Buddha (paraphrased)

